Collected Essays on William Blake and his Times
Blake as Printmaker and Painter
“Posthumous Blake: The Roles of Catherine Blake, C. H. Tatham, and Frederick Tatham in Blake’s Afterlife.” Blake/An Illustrated Quaterly, vol. 53. no. 3 (Winter, 2019).
"The Newly Discovered Adam and Eve Asleep: Blake's or Copy." Blake/An Illustrated Quaterly, Fall 2017
"Signing Large Color Prints: The Significance of Blake's Signatures." Huntington Library Quarterly. Fall, 2017: 365-402.
"Blake's Invention of Illuminated Printing,
1788." Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century
History. Online
"Blake's Illuminated Word." Art, Word, and Image: 1000 Years of Visual/Textual Interaction. Ed. John Dixon Hunt, David Lomas, Michael Corris. London: Reaktion Books Ltd., 2009. 84-107.
"Blake's 'Annus Mirabilis': the Productions of 1795." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Fall, 2007): 52-83.
"Blake's Virtual Designs and Reconstruction of The Song of Los." Special Issue on Romanticism and Technology, Romanticism on the Net, (September 2006).
"Illuminated Printing." Cambridge Companion to William Blake. Ed. Morris Eaves. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 37-62; electronic version, William Blake Archive, with 95 illustrations.
"Blake's Method of Color Printing: Some Responses and Further Observations" (with Robert Essick). Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Fall, 2002): 49-64.
"An Inquiry into William Blake's Method of Color Printing" (with Robert Essick). Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Winter, 2001/02): 73-102.
"In the Caves of Heaven and Hell: Swedenborg and Printmaking in Blake's Marriage" [Part III of The Evolution of William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell]. Blake in the Nineties. Eds. Steven Clark and David Worrall. London: Macmillan, 1999. 27-60.
"Lessons of Swedenborg: or, the Origin of Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" [Part II. of The Evolution of William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell]. Lessons of Romanticism. Eds. Robert Gleckner and Thomas Pfau. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1998. 173-212.
"The Evolution of William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" [Part I]. Huntington Library Quarterly 58.3&4 (1997): 281-344.
"William Blake, Illuminated Books, and the Concept of Difference." Essays on Romanticism. Eds. Karl Kroeber and Gene Ruoff. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 63-87.
"Reading, Drawing, Seeing Illuminated Books." Approaches to Teaching William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Eds. R. Gleckner and M. Greenberg. New York: MLA, 1989. 67-73.
"Recreating Blake: the M.E.W. Blake Facsimiles." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 19 (Summer, 1985): 4-23.
"Forgery or Facsimile? An Examination of America copy B, plates 4 and 9." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 16 (Spring, 1983): 217-223.
"Blake's Workshop." Studies in Romanticism 21 (Fall, 1982): 404-409.
Blake in the 19th-Century
"Two Fake Blakes Revisited, One Dew-Smith Revealed." Blake in Our Time: Essays in Honour of G. E. Bentley, Jr. Ed. Karen Mulhallen. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. 35-78.
"Blake after Blake: A Nation Discovers Genius." Blake, Nation, Empire. Eds. Steve Clark and David Worrall. London: Palgrave, 2006. 23-262.
"Blake's Death" (with Dr. Lane Robson, MD). Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Fall, 1996): 36-49.
"A 'Green House' for Butts? New Information about Thomas Butts, His Residences, and Family." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Summer, 1996): 4-21.
"Blake in the Marketplace 1852: Thomas Butts, Jr. and Other Unknown Nineteenth-century Blake Collectors." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Fall, 1995): 40-69.
"William Blake's 'The Phoenix / to Mrs. Butts' Redux." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 29 (Summer, 1995): 12-15.
"A Breach in a City, the Morning After the Battle: Lost or Found?" Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (Fall, 1994): 44-59.
"The Myth of Commissioned Illuminated Books: George Romney, Isaac D'Israeli, and `ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY designs . . . of Blake's'." Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 23 (Autumn, 1989): 48-74.
The William Blake Archive
"`Once Only Imagined': An Interview with Morris Eaves, Robert N. Essick, and Joseph Viscomi on the Past, Present, and Future of Blake Studies." Conducted by Kari Kraus. Romantic Circles <>
"The William Blake Archive: The Medium when the Millenium is the Message." (with Morris Eaves and Robert N. Essick). Romanticism and Millenarianism. Ed. Tim Fulford. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 219-33.
"Digital Facsimiles: Reading the William Blake Archive." Computers and Humanities 36.1 (2002): 27-48.
"The Persistence of Vision: Images and Imaging at the William Blake Archive" (with Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, and Matthew Kirschenbaum). RLG DigiNews 4.1 (February 2000) <>
“Standards, Methods, Objectives of the William Blake Archive: A Response to Mary Lynn Johnson, Andrew Cooper, and Michael Simpson” (with Morris Eaves, Robert Essick, and Matthew Kirschenbaum). The Wordsworth Circle (Summer, 1999): 135-144.
Review Essays:
Morris Eaves, The Counter-Arts Conspiracy: Art and Industry in the Age of Blake. The Wordsworth Circle (Fall 1993): 205-210.
Robert N. Essick, The Separate Plates of William Blake, A Catalogue. The Wordsworth Circle (Fall, 1988): 212-218.
Martin Meisel, Realizations: Narrative, Pictorial, and Theatrical Arts in 19th c. England. Studies in Romanticism 25 (Winter, 1986): 561-567.
Raymond Lister, Samuel Palmer: His Life and Art. Studies in Romanticism 30 (Summer, 1991): 298-305.
Selections from William Blake's Songs, an album by Gregory Forbes, and Companion to the New Musical Settings (with Margaret LaFrance). Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 19 (Fall, 1985): 84-89.
Blake's Designs for Young's "Night Thoughts." Ed. Erdman et al. Fine Print (Spring, 1982): 49-50.
Blake's Designs for Young's "Night Thoughts." (with Dennis Welch). Ed. Erdman et al. Philological Quarterly (Fall, 1982): 539-4.
Other Essays:
"Wordsworth, Gilpin, and the Vacant Mind," The Wordsworth Circle, vol. 38, 1-2 (Winter/Spring 2007) 40-49.
Dramatic Antipicturesque: Burke, Gilpin, and "Lines left upon a
Seat in a Yew-tree"," Romantic Circles Scholarly Resource
An Island in the Moon. Video, introduction, photographs, and text of 1983 Cornell University theatrical production, with music by Margaret LaFrance, Romantic Circles Scholarly Resource 2003.
Representation: La Condition Magritte. Oil paint and oil stick on paper, 90 x 42 inches. Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2003.