[Memoranda from the Notebook]


I say I shant live five years        

And if I live one it will be a        

Wonder June 1793    


Tuesday Janry. 20. 1807 between Two & Seven in the Evening- --Despair   




To Engrave on Pewter. Let there be first a drawing made correctly with black lead pencil, let nothing be to seek, then rub it off on the plate coverd with white wax. or perhaps pass it thro press. this will produce certain& determind forms on the plate & time will not be wasted in seeking them afterwards




To Woodcut on Pewter. lay a ground on the Plate & smoke it as for Etching, then trace your outline<s> [& draw, them with a needle]. and beginning with the spots of light on each object with an oval pointed needle scrape off the ground. [& instead of etching the shadowy strokes] as a direction for your graver then proceed to graving with the ground on the plate being as careful as possible not to hurt the ground because it being black will shew perfectly what is wanted [towards]




To Woodcut on Copper Lay a ground as for Etching. trace & instead of Etching the blacks Etch the whites & bite it in


<South Molton Street>


Sunday August . 18O7 My Wife was told by a Spirit to look for her fortune by opening by chance a book which she had in her hand it was Bysshes Art of Poetry. She opend the following


I saw 'em kindle with Desire     

While with soft sighs they blew the fire    

Saw the approaches of their joy        

He growing more fierce & she less coy     

Saw how they mingled melting rays         

Exchanging Love a thousand ways