Making Blake:

new and revised essays on Blake's

modes of production, reception, and reproduction

Joseph Viscomi


               List of Illustrations                                                                                             150 illus.

               Introduction                                                                                                         10 pages.

               I. Making Blake's Illuminated Plates and Books: 1788-90

                1. 1788: Origins of Illuminated Printing                                                              41 pages.

                2. Blake's Illuminated Word                                                                                 28 pages.

                3. Evolution of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell                                              79 pages.

                II. Making Blake's Color Prints: 1794

                4. Color Printing 1, with Robert Essick                                                                62 pages.

                5. Color Printing 2, with Robert Essick                                                                32 pages.

                III. Making Blake's Large Color Prints: 1795

                6. Annus Mirabilis: 1795, the making of Large Color Prints                                49 pages.

                IV. Making Blake's Strangest Illuminated Book: 1795

                7. Blake's Virtual Designs and Reconstruction of The Song of Los                      40 pages.

                V. Remaking Blake: the posthumous prints 1827-32

                8. Blake, Mrs. Blake, and Posthumous Printing                                                   56 pages.

                9. Posthumous Songs Reconsidered                                                                     32 pages.

                10. Posthumous Printing Stops                                                                             47 pages.

                VI. Making Blake Known: 1828 - 1880

                11. Blake after Blake: A Nation Discovers Blake                                                42 pages.

                VII. Making Blake Knowable: 1880 - 2015

                12. Digital Facsimiles: Reading the William Blake Archive                                26 pages.

                Concluding Remarks                                                                                          15 pages.


                Works Cited                                                                                                        15 pages.


---- approx. 575 pages